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Our carer workshops are sessions designed to explore different aspects of caring and are offered in various locations in the county and online on a rolling programme.
Sessions can be between one and three hours long and are open to any carers registered with Carers Northumberland.
The primary aim of each session is to increase knowledge and confidence and to share experiences with other carers – learning from each other and reducing a sense of isolation
Below are just some of the workshops and training we provide but we are willing to consider any aspects of caring that carers may suggest for future sessions.
The rules around paying for social care can feel like a mystery, this workshop will clear up misconceptions and give you guidance on how the system works.
This workshop talks about:
· Paying for Care at Home
· Paying for Residential Care
· Deprivation of Assets
A carer’s life can be stressful, we will look at tools to help you manage stress in your caring role.
This workshop talks about:
· Recognising stress
· Using the Stress Bucket Tool
· Sharing our experiences of stress
· Different strategies for limiting the impact of stress
It's normal to have concerns about the future, putting plans in place can help you feel more relaxed.
This workshop talks about:
· Emergency Care Planning
· Lasting Power of Attorney
· Wills
Guilt is draining - it can impact our physical and mental health.
This workshop talks about:
· Types of guilt
· Recognising healthy and inappropriate guilt
· How to manage inappropriate guilt
· Guilt and caring
Looking after your wellbeing is important for carers and the people they care for.
This workshop talks about:
· Gratitude & Positive Affirmations
· Mindfulness
· Grounding Techniques
We hold regular one off workshops with other local charities and services
Previous workshops:
· Scam Awareness
· Caring for Someone with Dementia
· Energy Saving Tips
If you have any suggestions for workshops, please let us know!
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